The guy needs a manly face, not a babyface.
Such a truly manly face of a genuine person.
And it was so strange to see that intelligent, manly face in such a childish state that Oblonsky stopped looking at him.
But now suddenly, seeing that noble, manly face, so familiar and dear to her, she felt an unexpected surge of love for him.
I could see their stern, manly faces now.
The small picture showed an eager, manly face, smiling and squinting a trifle in bright sunshine.
What a pity that his manly face and figure do not indicate his real character.
Rather than being boyish-featured he had a broad, manly face, one that was really quite handsome.
It was an old-fashioned manly face that could have earned him good money in Hollywood.
Squinty eyes, manly face and tats.