His accent and modest, even diffident, manner led the Negro leaders to view him as much less than he was.
This manner of deployment led to the National Guard being set in apparent opposition to the black community.
These good manners, however, often lead to bad management, since they hamper directors in assessing the performance of the company and the chairman/chief executive.
This beauty which the fancy finds in everything else, certainly accuses that manner of life we lead.
Their manner of life led others to imitate them.
His mother's fluent, though inaccurate, English and confident manner may have led them to expect more of him.
"But they should be more cautious about making sure that casual manner does not lead to reduced professionalism."
The manner in which the interview data is subsequently classified and processed may lead to other kinds of distortion.
However, a brusque manner and a contempt for bureaucracy led to an uneasy relationship with management.
All manner of so-called indirect contacts have led to nothing.