Measure the width and depth of your mantel shelf.
The mantel shelf is adorned with the usual clock, some pieces of china, and a live but apathetic cat.
Two propped up on the mantel shelf, two on the chest of drawers.
Red swore, and let go, and turned his back, both hands on the mantel shelf.
She glanced at the clock on the mantel shelf "She'll be halfway there by now."
Elliott glanced up at the two young men at the end of the mantel shelf to his right.
He had gone to the mantel shelf and held on to it now as if he might fall.
On the high mantel shelf above what had once been the fireplace was a black and white photograph of a young man's head.
Mrs Gray looked away and then up at the portrait on the mantel shelf.
Jack was across the room to the mantel shelf in a moment.