Since harddrives were still rare in homecomputers in 1988, this meant the original game discs had to be copied first, as the manual instructed one to do.
The manual instructs law enforcement officers on the proper method for filling out the monthly Uniform Crime Reports returns for police records and statistics.
It works smoothly and swiftly, but when you put the program on your hard disk type "setup," rather than "install," which is what the manual instructs you to type.
Soviet manuals for SU-76M crews usually instructed the gunner to aim for the tracks or gun barrel against Tigers.
But when it came to their most crucial communications, they did what Al Qaeda's manual on terrorist operations instructs: they met in person.
"Seize initiative," the manual instructs.
The manual instructs candidates to court the political committees through phone calls, letters and personal contacts with this message in mind: "1.
At one point, the manual instructs you to "Press PF4."
Since hard drives were still rare in home computers in 1988, this meant the original game disk had to be copied first, as the manual instructed one to do.
"The only rational way to respond to the knowledge of an imminent and brutal murder," the manual instructs, "is direct action."