"A car may be covered for an automatic transmission, which is little help if the car has a manual shift," he said.
As of March 2012 this is the only Ram truck available with a manual shift on the fly transfer case.
An Avis automatic will cost an extra 15 percent or more compared with a manual shift, she says.
Remember also that inexpensive rentals are likely to be manual shift.
The cars were manual shift, meaning drivers drove much of the race with one hand.
Young people who rent, she says, know how to drive cars with manual shifts and consider it chic.
The rates are for cars with manual shifts unless noted.
The basic package supplied a car with manual shift.
The time-lag was about the same with the automatic as with a manual shift and so it didn't make any difference.
They offer the convenience of an automatic transmission with the better mileage of a manual shift.