Alignments that resulted in any branch lengths (based on the corrected gamma distance, see below) longer than 2 in the case of the Chlamydiaceae and Pyrococcus species groups or longer than 1 in the case of the human-mouse-rat species group were visually inspected and adjusted manually.
To determine if your bag has been manually inspected, David S. Stempler, the president of the Air Travelers Association, recommends using cable ties, which must be cut if a bag is opened.
This study is on-going, with the database maturing as the entries are manually inspected and classified.
Travelers who are really concerned, Mr. Miller suggests, should hand the unit to the security guard and insist that it be inspected manually.
The results were manually inspected to deduce a consensus secondary structure for the family (Figure 1 and Figure 2).
This allowed us to create 4,809 gene models automatically, leaving 109 cDNAs that were inspected manually to determine if they represent RNA genes, pseudogenes or other types of sequence.
This protocol identified 158 genes with apparent splicing anomalies, each of which was inspected manually.