The shipments are often parts or materials needed to manufacture abroad.
In addition, we can require multinationals to apply our own labor, safety and environmental standards when they manufacture abroad.
The phrase "of foreign manufacture" is a common usage, well understood to mean "manufactured abroad."
They cite reasons for using foreign suppliers and for manufacturing abroad that have little to do with the dollar's value.
The ruling today applied only to American-made imports, and not goods manufactured abroad.
Stanley, for example, is reluctant to take a chance on manufacturing abroad any product that does not sell well enough to return a big profit quickly.
The data communications products Bynet distributed in Israel in the later half of the 1970s were all manufactured abroad.
The case involved a plaintiff who imported Asian editions of textbooks that were manufactured abroad with the publisher-plaintiff's permission.
Manufactured abroad, the clothes arrive on East 70th Street with her name sewn inside on a bright orange label.
Darling," she explained, "we have to manufacture abroad.