Judge Funk, Mr. Nashban said, is only deciding who will buy the company, not whether the new owner will manufacture guns.
This equipment almost immediately found application in the electronic industry, eventually replacing AC/direct energy systems used to manufacture guns for cathode ray tubes.
However, it was not widely used until World War I when molybdenum was urgently needed to manufacture guns, as well as armour plating for military machines.
All that matters now, though, is this: They manufacture guns, in large numbers, cheaply.
The factory manufactured medium-calibre guns, particularly anti-aircraft guns.
Sect leaders have denied that they manufactured guns, and they emphasize that they stockpiled innocent products, like rice, as well as goods like chemicals.
She conferred with the heads of half a dozen friendly nations, and within a year Kruger-Brent, Ltd., was manufacturing guns and tanks, bombs and ammunition.
He tells me that, all winter, Onalyon has been manufacturing guns, and ammunition, and cannon, and that he is ready to equip his entire army with them.
BSA began in June 1861 in the Gun Quarter, Birmingham England founded specifically to manufacture guns by machinery.
A government priority is to manufacture guns and ammunition domestically, in case external supplies are cut off.