Even if you didn't, it's not going to take much extension of present legislation to make it illegal to copy any manufactured article without paying royalty.
For my part, I'm not anxious to claim relationship with any common, manufactured article, like you.
But the manufactured article in the Yarrow's unit had been defective.
It's got to be as good as any manufactured article has ever been.
The cube was a manufactured article.
We sell them iron and paper, ink, snails, fish, and jewels, and many manufactured articles.
He noted that the solitary death's-head was a manufactured article, not a genuine skull.
Sabinus/Cassus - the manufactured article should be held to belong to the owner of the material substance.
Proculians - the manufactured article should be held to belong to the creator of the article.
A quite similar structure can be seen in imports: unspecified manufactured articles accounted for two fifths followed by a crude metal for a further fifth.