They provide enough advantages over film cameras that some manufacturers have greatly reduced or abandoned the film camera market.
While the major manufacturers have abandoned their versions of the Terry bike, smaller companies, which appeal to a more limited market, have begun to imitate it.
While cordless phones are unlikely to disappear, some major manufacturers, notably Sony, have abandoned the market.
In recent years, the minivan segment has cooled somewhat and several manufacturers have abandoned it.
The 139,000-square-foot plant stands just blocks from the waterfront in a 12-block warehouse district that had declined into a tumbledown no-go zone after manufacturers abandoned the city.
However, some manufacturers abandoned the format even before Microsoft did, such as Philips and Casio.
First, the manufacturers abandoned phosphates.
He added that while manufacturers rarely officially abandon a game, some have recognized the benefits of abandonware.
Worse, the manufacturer, an American subsidiary of Aventis, abandoned the compound in 1995 when it proved ineffective against cancer.
For example, several manufacturers experimented with and subsequently abandoned coupons.