Big manufacturers with powerful brands called the shots in the marketplace, and retailers played along.
The manufacturer calls it Solution A and charges something like $20 for it.
Several small manufacturers also call Great Bend home.
Most retailers and manufacturers are now calling costume jewelry "fashion jewelry."
If a manufacturer calls its product biodegradable, for example, it will be asked to provide evidence.
In modern times, some manufacturers call ordinary poster paint by the name of "tempera".
One manufacturer called the city's system so cumbersome that it was the laughingstock of the ambulance industry.
Moreover, a whole new industry has sprung up to cover cloth diapers, to give Baby what manufacturers call a "fashion forward" look.
The two companies seemed certain that soy pasta, with 5 to 10 grams per serving of what manufacturers call "net carbs," would be a hit.
Take the case of what manufacturers call extended-mobility tires, commonly called run-flats.