At present, manufacturers can decide for themselves what is low or high.
The manufacturers apparently decided that California would get the better of the argument in court.
But the manufacturers decided not to specify the number of vertical lines, leaving the door open for misleading advertising.
Each manufacturer may decide whether to reveal the results gathered during the certification process of the movement.
Even though manufacturers decided to extend the incentives, he said, they acted too late to prevent the downturn.
But when demand dried up last fall, the more aggressive manufacturers decided to try to gain market share by cutting prices to the bone.
Many foreign manufacturers decide that it is not worth the trouble.
Some manufacturers have seen the video light and decided to offer instructional tapes as an incentive to buying their cameras.
But the total amount available for the settlement may also grow if other manufacturers decide to join in the agreement.
The manufacturers decided that poor service in department stores was at least partly to blame.