The manufacturer or gunsmith who cuts the chamber will determine the amount of space between the cartridge case mouth and the rifling.
Because each household that receives the certificates will have a different number, the manufacturer can determine who his best customers are.
Mr. Estrin said manufacturers would individually determine an expiration date for their products based on their own studies.
Ultimately, the problem with "designed for use", he said, was that the manufacturer, not the seller, determined that.
The manufacturer of your vehicle has determined that a specific amount of refrigerant - 2.2 pounds, for example - is correct for your car.
Mr. Kempin responded that the manufacturers "determine their own destiny," adding, "I have a hard time believing we can tell them what to do."
The current Microsoft Windows license lets the manufacturer determine the refund policy.
The manufacturer of your camera or other device determines which kind of card it uses.
By using PWI values, manufacturers can determine how much of the process window a particular thermal profile uses.
Each manufacturer determines the weight rating for the pole and the location of the maximum handhold band.