Turntable manufacturers can probably hold on longer than the record companies.
This year, the foreign manufacturers held their own motor show, spending more than $2 million an exhibit.
No manufacturer could have held opinions more hostile to the working man and his strikes.
On the Continent, manufacturers of muesli held a thin market share.
The manufacturer can hold it for 17 years.
I will only add we have get rid of the sclerotic practices many manufacturers hold on to, and their paranoid view that nobody loves them!
Furthermore, if the manufacturing lead time exceeds one week, the manufacturer faces more demand risk and therefore must hold even more inventory.
At one extreme, a manufacturer can simply hold inventory for lean retailers and make few changes in its internal practices.
"Also, manufacturers have held the line on pricing, either with rebates or no new increases," he said.
"Buyers coming to High Point don't have the money to spend, so manufacturers are purposely holding back."