For example, manufacturers could still label as "dietary" frozen dinners that contain excessive fat.
Join a consumers group and lobby for government legislation to make manufacturers label their products fully and accurately.
The manufacturer didn't label it as broad spectrum - I did.
Meanwhile, new legislation that will come into force next year, will make manufacturers label the energy performance of household appliances.
Many ski manufacturers label their skis with the turning radius on the top.
The manufacturer cites a lack of evidence for cytokine-related risks, but labels the product only as an antioxidant and food supplement.
It urges manufacturers to label sugar on foods but stops short of demanding legislation.
While not required for operation, most drum manufacturers label their products by way of a drum "badge".
Most display manufacturers label their glossy screens under a variety of brand names:
Certain manufacturers label their products with terms such as premium, ultra premium, natural and holistic.