Several manufacturer have licensed the design from Specialized.
With 842 manufacturers licensed to produce his designs - far more than any other designer - Mr. Cardin also protects their investment in his name and style.
Every manufacturer should license this app (or "appropriate" it if their lawyers are getting bored), because every phone should have this.
Flu vaccine fell into short supply this year when the four manufacturers licensed to make it had difficulties growing one of three flu strains.
No-name Chinese or Taiwanese manufacturers have licensed those famous names.
Various manufacturers of Japanese electronic dictionaries have licensed the digital Kōjien, and it is the core dictionary in many models.
As is customary when a store or manufacturer licenses its name, Charivari will be paid a yearly royalty and a percentage of sales.
Today's agreement involved the sole manufacturer of parathion, Cheminova Agro of Denmark, and eight American companies licensed to use the product in pesticide manufacture.
Several manufacturers have licensed I-Force technology for their products.