How the manufacturers will meet a tougher standard is not clear, but could be with new technology.
They have, however, met with stiff resistance from bat manufacturers and officials of amateur leagues.
Most manufacturers have met that requirement by constructing a steel cage around the fuel tank.
Toshiba says it has had to turn down new customers and estimates that manufacturers can meet only about 70 to 80 percent of global demand.
Bricks were ordered from the Netherlands since local manufacturers could not meet the high quality standards requested.
Sales outlets (customers) are a place that manufacturer can meet shoppers and consumers.
No manufacturer could meet the both the specified performance and weight limits together.
The manufacturers of diesel engines must meet the lower emission standards in 1994.
Responsible retailers and manufacturers I have met welcome it.
Indeed, manufacturers are meeting fierce resistance from their customers, who contend that they cannot pass along the costs to consumers.