The good news is that most manufacturers have reduced the price of a replacement hybrid battery.
The new laws require the manufacturers to reduce, by say 9 percent or 8 percent, the electricity that their appliances consume.
And it ought to set fuel economy standards that would require manufacturers to reduce the weight of the vehicles.
The efforts have helped manufacturers reduce their reliance on silver, and offset lost silver sales.
The nation's manufacturers reduced their emissions of pollutants by 18 percent in 1989, a report said.
Wal-Mart's power helps consumers as the company pushes manufacturers and suppliers to reduce prices on many items.
The decline was attributed to manufacturers' reducing their end-of-the-year inventory levels.
Many manufacturers are reducing engine capacity and number of cylinders.
Some manufacturers have already reduced or eliminated trans fats, responding to growing concerns over health issues and heart disease.
However, in response to consumer concern about their effects on the heart, manufacturers have recently reduced their use of these fats.