Many manufacturers trying to prevent speaker damage rely on overload protection devices.
Until now, Japanese manufacturers have relied on foreign technology.
One reason is that manufacturers are relying on increases in overtime, with higher pay rates, to raise production.
Rather than opening flagship stores, the manufacturer relied on established retailers such as Webhallen.
Microsoft is a powerful force in the computer industry, and the manufacturers rely on loading Microsoft's popular software on their machines.
Most manufacturers rely on the repetitive production of low value added bulk pharmaceuticals and imitation drugs.
The Mosquito's manufacturer relies on these inconclusive adult studies to justify the safety of the device.
A strong yen could crush hopes of an economic turnaround because so many big Japanese manufacturers rely on exports.
But a great many manufacturers rely heavily on discounters to move their goods, and they would almost certainly resist any new pressure to cut them back.
In fashion, manufacturers usually rely on intuition and on feedback from retailers.