The manufacturer stated that he would call the commissioner later.
The manufacturer has stated that the Indian Air Force intends to place an order for up to 45 aircraft.
Some manufacturers have stated tolperisone may enhance the effects of other neuromuscular blocking agents.
The manufacturer of sodium thiopental stated that new supplies would not be available until 2011.
The manufacturer (Haggerty) states that their current formulation is a trade secret.
To make the advertised line count more meaningful, manufacturers should clearly state at what brightness level the alternate black and white lines were counted.
The Canadian manufacturer of this product states that it is not to be used in patients weighing less than 40 kilograms (88 pounds).
The manufacturer states that this meter is not an average sampling but a real time sample.
No manufacturer has come forward and stated that the purpose of the holes in the side of any engine block are there for freeze protection.
Nearly all manufacturers state the overall frequency response of a component in their product literature.