The program allows manufacturers to test their own products and only selectively spot-checks the test results they submit.
Since they planned to sell it to middle-class Americans, the manufacturers never tested that, and the packet instructions discourage it.
Premises where the manufacturer can develop and test tobacco products and processes used for the manufacture of products.
Some manufacturers have tested their fuses for up to 63 kA cut-off current.
It is whispered that some manufacturers don't test every driver shipped to the pros under lucrative contracts to use them.
Federal standards require manufacturers to test for fuel-system safety at maximum speeds of only 20 miles an hour.
It will also have a technology center that will allow manufacturers to test the latest equipment.
He theorized that manufacturers might not be adequately testing the powdered valerian they were getting from suppliers.
Where do manufacturers test their cars to be sure they work as advertised?
She wasn't UN property or anything, she was an experimental job a manufacturer had been testing.