Other manufacturers and experts warn that dummy labels, if used, should be easily distinguishable only to shop personnel.
Aerosol cans explode in extreme heat; manufacturers warn against leaving them in car trunks.
Western German manufacturers have long warned that the rising costs of doing business in their homeland would one day force them to set up plants abroad.
"People need to know that manufacturers warn against use of cell phones when cars are in motion."
The manufacturers warn to not use this medication if under twelve years of age or with any product containing diphenhydramine.
But as the manufacturers warn, your results may vary.
The manufacturer warned of impaired cognition as a side effect.
The manufacturers warned that the scent would last for "months not years", and said that they were not for human consumption.
California Proposition 65 (1986) requires manufacturers to warn consumers when products contain toxic chemicals.
(Major, 1937) Despite inhibitors manufacturers warned that once opened vinyl ether should be used quickly.