When G.E. sent a team of manufacturing experts to Budapest, they were pleasantly surprised.
But manufacturing experts suggest that great perseverance can pay off.
A manufacturing expert, he comes from Land Rover, where he put the Discovery into production.
At Intel, he rose to the top as a manufacturing expert.
In March, it announced a reorganization aimed at cutting costs, in part by giving manufacturing experts a greater say in how cars are designed.
What is more, some manufacturing experts worry that running a plant nearly around the clock might strain machinery.
Most manufacturing experts say technology is key, but G.M. first must solve other problems, like poor relations between hourly workers and managers.
Designers, aerodynamicists and manufacturing experts were combined into more than 100 "design-build teams" to improve communications.
Beyond the pace of work, some manufacturing experts are concerned that near-nonstop assembly operations do not allow enough time for routine maintenance and repairs.
With similarities to a production line, a manufacturing expert might get more out of materials recovery facility staff and equipment than someone from a waste background.