Japan's automotive manufacturing giant Mitsubishi Motors has announced that it will be expanding its operations in the Philippines.
Take Alcatel, the French global electrical manufacturing giant.
As an industrial and chemical manufacturing giant, New Jersey has left a legacy of hazardous ground water in many areas.
Mr. Brener is working hard to maintain a close relationship with Mitsubishi, the Japanese manufacturing giant.
We're about to transition from an R&D facility to a manufacturing giant, and that will bring along new challenges, new roadblocks, new difficulties.
The government promised a prompt inspection of the manufacturing giant's factories in Shenzhen.
Boeing has been working recently to maintain its standing as a manufacturing giant.
In practice it seems inevitable that the CCITT will simply respond to the initiatives of the manufacturing giants.
China's rise as a manufacturing giant has challenged Singapore's role as a high-technology manufacturing center, leaving more of its four million people out of work.
Foshan aims to become a manufacturing giant and the third largest city in Guangdong.