Another sign of that came yesterday when Germany reported that manufacturing orders dropped 4.6 percent in September.
"I just didn't have $30,000 to pay for a minimum manufacturing order," he said.
I have been more concerned with what would happen to my business if Andrew switched his manufacturing orders to someone else.
But economists noted that manufacturing orders have been weak in recent months and production has shown little improvement since July.
The unexpected decline, combined with recent increases in business and consumer confidence and manufacturing orders, raised hopes for Germany's economic recovery.
Germany also reported unexpectedly weak manufacturing orders in September, suggesting that the worst might be yet to come.
Even though her company tried to warn its customers a year ago that their manufacturing orders were unrealistically optimistic, they did not want to hear bad news.
"These reports confirm other evidence that manufacturing orders are rising modestly, but not fast enough to prompt companies to boost hiring," he said.
Facility to "mass change" the status of multiple manufacturing orders at one time.
Another guess is that the German government has always placed its manufacturing orders exclusively with German manufacturers.