The manuscript of a song he had left incomplete was lying on a desk.
The manuscript has apparently lain in the L.D.S. Church Historian's office for many years, and yet few if any who saw it realized its profound historical significance.
Mr. Root said that the handwritten one-page manuscript had lain undisturbed for perhaps 100 years amid music collected by Phalia Bentel, a woman in Freedom, Pa., to whom Foster had dedicated the work.
The manuscripts themselves now lie in the Llyfrgell Genedlaethol Cymru/National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth.
Rare manuscripts lie in glass cases around the store (one from the mid-1700's had a price tag of $18,000 recently).
Two paces took him to the bed where the manuscript and the Worldwide contracts were still lying in their box.
The "discovery" of Beowulf in a single manuscript, first transcribed in 1818, came under the impetus of Romantic nationalism, after the manuscript had lain as an ignored curiosity in scholars' collections for two centuries.
The manuscript currently lies in the National Library of Scotland, as Adv.
Lying on Will's outstretched palm was the same small green-patched lead case that had held the manuscript, the Greenwitch's first secret.