In 2009 Gibson completed his third manuscript, titled The Peace Bomb.
In recent years, several of his works have been reprinted and a previously unpublished manuscript, titled Lost in the Fog, was published in 1990.
The manuscript, originally titled Journal, was rejected by four publishing houses after that offer from Harpers in 1839.
His cabin and its contents are deserted, including his manuscript, titled Leviathan.
Leycester also assembled a manuscript titled Lessons for the Lyra Viol.
They worked out their theoretical differences and produced a manuscript originally titled Demography and Social Policy.
A third novel exists in manuscript, provisionally titled "Year of the Thogs."
A medieval manuscript titled the Life of Gabriel of Qartmin provides a glimpse into the events in the middle east during the 7th century.
For the past several years, Michels and Stutz have been collaborating on a manuscript tentatively titled "The Tools."
Her unfinished manuscript, titled Believing and the Practice of Religion, was later stored in Santa Clara's university library.