The satellite will spend two years making a three-dimensional map of the moon's surface and surveying its soil for minerals.
With that data, astronomers constructed a map of Pluto's surface.
They are intended to make maps of the Earth's surface to be used for ecological monitoring and chart geological features.
In the 1960's, he helped create maps of the moon's surface in anticipation of future spacecraft landings there.
If we draw a map of the Earth's surface onto one wormhole mouth, how does this map appear at the second mouth?
It was a geological map of the planet's surface that she'd had the computer put together for them.
There wasn't much out that way, he pondered, reviewing his mental map of Sphinx's surface.
In 1931, he published a larger book of maps of the moon's surface with descriptions of features.
In a few minutes we should have a rough map of Centaura's surface.
Despite the planet thick, cloudy atmosphere, we now have reliable maps of almost its entire surface.