Keflezighi said: "The kick is 90 percent physical until marathon day.
Farah is the other athlete who will be looked at to challenge Kenya over the marathon one day.
And his marathon day began at midnight, when concrete dividers were moved into position on the bridge.
The period was followed by three days of a high carbohydrate diet - 70 percent of food intake - and rest, leading to marathon day.
Indeed, it's responsible for as many as 80% of all overuse pains on marathon day.
Get ready for marathon day with customized training plans that help you track your progress.
Last night Last 5 mile run before marathon day on Monday.
They usually have breakfast on marathon day and watch together from Bedford Avenue.
We recorded and mixed in two marathon days (poor Kurt was a good sport).
One marathon day of beauty can linger, psychologically at least, for months.