The nation built the white marble edifice as a personal present to one of its greatest men.
He felt nothing but immense uncertainty when his sketches were ready and the delicate perspective of a white marble edifice lay, neatly finished, before him.
In 1824 Charles Colville and his party visited Chandravati and found twenty marble edifices of different sizes.
Two were coiled within the marble edifice; one draped on the wide stone benches that rimmed the inside, and one sprawled on the floor.
The large glass and marble edifice contrasted with Bancroft's stolid gray stone.
The whole marble edifice was running with fresh blood.
Like the Old Senate Office Building across the street, it is a grand marble edifice, but much brighter.
The mosque is a drum-like white marble edifice, built largely with Saudi donations, including offices and meeting rooms and a place of worship.
Lots of people greeted her as they trudged up the steps of the vintage granite and marble edifice built in the late '30s.
The Brown Center, clad in translucent white glass, will face the Main Building, a classical white marble edifice built after the Great Baltimore Fire of 1904.