The Quakers (2-4, 2-1) nearly tied the game as they marched deep into Brown territory.
Without the benefit of pack mules they'd marched deep into the valley.
The next daybreak they marched deep into the territory of a neighbouring lord, several times coming close to patrols of soldiers from the estate.
During 868 they marched deep into Mercia and wintered in Nottingham, where they were besieged by a joint force from the kingdoms of Mercia and Wessex.
His troops set out at about 11:30 P.M. on January 19, 1862, marching through mud sometimes over a foot deep.
Having secured the bordering regions of Macedon, Philip assembled a large Macedonian army and marched deep into Thrace for a long conquering campaign.
Although Cromwell defeated a Scottish army at the Battle of Dunbar, Cromwell could not prevent Charles II from marching from Scotland deep into England at the head of another Royalist army.
Farther yet, piles of tumbled bricks and cracked stone obelisks marched deep into the Pacific.
Carolina tried to fight back as they marched deep into Philly territory, but came up short when Delhomme got intercepted again by cornerback Lito Sheppard in almost the same spot where Keyshawn Johnson made the earlier TD completion.
Then, after Chris Carey's interception gave the Lions the ball at their own 37, they marched deep into Penn territory, but Rudd missed a 27-yard attempt.