Eisler also has a tendency to lapse into march rhythm to drive his points home.
All of the players play a B chord repeated about 60 times with an addition of what he calls "corny march rhythms".
There may be too many passages of relentless march rhythms and oom-pah vamping.
With "Solace" both hands are playing in a syncopated fashion, completely abandoning any sense of a march rhythm.
A march rhythm accompanies this action, trumpets buzzing almost disconcertedly.
The brass instruments and a march rhythm start a theme based, once more, on the Dies Irae.
Both themes are accompanied by a traditional march rhythm, the pattern being long, long, short, short, long.
"Where has she ever heard anything in march rhythm?"
The Scottish drums were beating a march rhythm and the sound of the flurries made Sharpe's blood race.
The structure of the song is keyboard and brass oriented with a march rhythm.