A week later on December 10 and 11, a "total of 6 to 9 million" anti-shah demonstrators marched throughout Iran.
Thousands of citizens gathered in great processions, singing and with crosses and banners, they marched throughout the city whipping themselves.
On Thursday, hundreds of thousands of protesters, most of them students, filled the streets and marched in cities throughout France.
They won many awards in band tournaments and marched in several parades throughout southern California.
The army marched throughout 30 July and that evening, four miles short of Cravant, sighted the enemy.
Like his predecessor, he was to march at the head of the Battalion throughout the next six years of his life.
They marched with his body throughout the southern West Bank, attempting to bury it on various hilltops in order to establish a Jewish presence there.
The rest of the family, which consisted of 50 members, marched throughout the Ottoman Empire until all of them had perished.
For the sixth day yesterday, millions of people marched throughout France, with the backing of 70% of the population.
In Brighton, 3,000 demonstrators marched throughout the city, with nearly 50 occupying a university building.