Shakespear was successful in negotiations and marched to Orenburg with 416 Russian men, women, and children.
On October 1, the Union army marched out of Louisville with sixty thousand men.
There, they were met by King Totila of the Ostrogoths (r. 541-552), marching against them with about 5,000 men.
Prem then was ordered to march with 1400 men under his command to occupy the post of San José, near the capital city.
Craig marched with 2500 men and 11 guns to Saldanha, where he arrived on 14 August.
He marched from Ganjam with 5000 men on 8 September, to flush the Marathas out of the region.
In January 1764, the Paxton Boys marched toward Philadelphia with about 250 men to challenge the government for failing to protect them.
They quickly assembled their forces and marched with some 1,400 to 1,800 men to Triboltingen.
Aragorn marched on the Black Gate of Mordor with 7,000 men.
Peter marched with 45,000 men.