They are part of the Lebanese equation, not just a marginal presence.
The PP continued as a marginal presence in political life, steadily losing votes to the fascist and antisemitic parties.
Asian-Americans, long a marginal presence in New York City politics, are emerging as a political force, both as voters and as candidates.
Geometry, Ms. Wagner's primary compositional tool, is reduced by Ms. Murray to a marginal presence, although a more important one than may be apparent.
It appears she was a marginal presence in Carver's life throughout his early years as a showman and apparently they later separated.
But in 2000, Third Kind-ism is still a marginal presence in the sea of Second Kind mega-sites.
The 1988 election was a landmark for the Manitoba Liberal Party, in that it had previously been reduced to a marginal presence in the province.
Before Oscar Micheaux, African-Americans had only a marginal presence in American movies, and only then as figures of menace or derision.
Allied Signal has only a marginal presence in the anti-lock brake market, Mr. Bossidy said, with about a 6 percent share.
He is Vidal's companion of the last 45 years, Howard Austen (ne Auster), and has a marginal presence at best in "Palimpsest."