Only the incredible hardiness of Galactic manufacture left them marginally useful, and dozens had already burned out, littering the Midden once more with their dead hulks.
He gritted his teeth, and went off to find something marginally useful to do, before he did something decidedly the opposite.
"Labor" is a category marginally useful to Boulding for studying distribution, but of no use whatever for studying production.
So here are a few (if marginally useful) suggestions from the ringside, in the spirit of promoting a good fight: Survive the first cut.
Stopping the huge volumes of marginally useful financial transactions may be what you want to do (it's what Tobin wanted, btw).
Today, Nick regards his ancient computer as decidedly lame, but marginally useful and occasionally amusing - sort of like his parents.
Photography is extremely expensive and should only be undertaken if it is necessary - which is not the same as being marginally useful or pleasant.
Available to all players, antiaircraft units costs as much as a tank, but are marginally useful only when defending against enemy air attacks.
This made full-automatic fire only marginally useful.
Another is the unnecessary, wasteful or marginally useful analyses resulting from the nonscientific (investigator- or prosecutor-driven) selection of physical evidence in a given case.