There is little life on the island, although there are some marine birds, such as southern fulmars, and seals.
This coast is traditionally home to a number of endangered animals including terrestrial and marine birds.
The wandering albatross is the largest marine bird, with wingspans reaching 11 feet.
Montaña Clara is part of a nature reserve, being a refuge for marine birds.
Despite this, they are one of the most abundant marine birds in the Northern Hemisphere.
Occasionally skeletons of marine birds have been found and in some cases, human skeletons.
About 75 percent of Alaskan native marine birds, 15 to 30 million among 55 species, use the refuge.
This has significantly decreased species of marine birds in the area.
He also leads one to two field courses per year on marine birds and mammals in New Zealand.
A huge oil slick is threatening thousands of marine birds and animals off the coast of Alaska.