A wind tunnel, flight simulator and marine centre are among the additional facilities on offer.
Plymouth is the only UK university to have its own diving and marine centre, where students can gain an internationally recognised diving qualification.
The new plan is scaled down from initial plans, but the aquarium would be large enough to rank as a major marine center.
They are the only marine stranding center in New Jersey.
The rules against dogs or cats at the marine center were supposedly strict.
There is a wharf across from the Colliers, and marine centre, where the fishermen sell lobsters and fish.
Florida also has a marine welcome center for yachts and boats entering the state.
An artificial channel was constructed in 1872 to modify the harbour, which is the largest marine centre in Europe servicing the offshore oil and gas industry.
The deep, protected harbor has been a busy marine center ever since.
But at the state level, some officials wonder if a new marine center is the best approach to clean up the New York Bight.