All the currents deposit the marine plants and garbage they carry into this sea.
Within this Area, the recreational taking of all marine aquatic plants and some invertebrates is prohibited.
A marine plant, with fronds stirring at the whim of the current.
But the loss of these marine plants, which the naked eye may hardly perceive, would spell the end for almost all animals.
The eggs will attach to benthic marine plants and hatch in December.
According to environmental groups, the dredging would disturb marine plant, animal and microbial life through large areas of the bay.
But oil is a finite resource produced from the fossilized remains of ancient marine plants and animals.
This small false limpet lives on the leaves of the marine plant, eelgrass.
After only a short time, marine plants grew in abundance on the wreck and the boat has become an attraction for divers.
There is a limited number of marine plants.