Under New York divorce law, a spouse can receive some marital assets even if accused of attacking a partner.
By selling most of his equity, close acquaintances said, it was easier to split marital assets in the divorce.
Under California community property rules, all marital assets are split 50-50.
Of the marital assets, she left with $780,000 and he got about $405,000.
Some states apply the same rule to other marital assets.
At the time, the couple was engaged in a bitter battle over marital assets estimated at about $15 million.
The underlying assumption behind the law is that both parties to a marriage contribute to the acquisition, maintenance and growth of the marital assets.
Since then, trial courts have held that degrees in law, medicine and accounting are marital assets.
My husband embezzled all our marital assets, conservatively $15 million.
Or a child might be involved in a divorce that could lead to a sale to comply with a mandated division of marital assets.