It contrasted sharply, she added, with the mandatory civil marriages in Bulgaria, at which officials read from the civil code about couples' marital obligations.
Professional ambitions, romantic relationships and marital obligations under stress in contemporary San Francisco.
It's a marital obligation in your religion, is it?
A premarital agreement can allay some of these concerns, but such agreements are increasingly being unraveled by courts and cannot override all marital obligations.
It, of course being the marital obligation that her mother had so rightly warned her about just before the wedding.
This is proper for the purpose of fulfilling the "Onah" Mitzvah-commandment, the husband's marital obligations.
If the marriage took place, they were to be set free if her husband was negligent in his basic marital obligations.
In addition, if a husband cannot provide his wife with basic marital obligations, such as shelter or maintenance, a woman may be granted khula.
So my holiday from marital obligations and daily routine becomes a quest.