One barrier to divorce has been its social stigma, but as that has faded, lawyers say women are less fearful of exiting their marital roles.
Although there are regional differences, social and marital roles have become less clearly defined and structured than they were half a century ago.
I have had companions, but none who would now volunteer to assume the marital role.
Shifts within marital roles and relationships are changes in how couples divide tasks and responsibilities.
Through the depictions of the couples' daily lives, Hochschild applied three different attitudes about marital roles that she discovered in her research: traditional, transitional, and egalitarian.
This play is a scathing criticism of the marital roles accepted by men and women which characterized Ibsen's society.
Despite their apparently traditional marital roles, both Gore and Tipper describe their relationship as a partnership of equals.
The dearth of 'marriageable' black men assumes that marital roles are inflexible, and that blacks only marry blacks.
In an additional study, Eagly found that participant's mate-preferences could be shifted by asking them to see themselves in different marital roles.
Other research that Eagly participated in looks at women who were highly educated and their anticipated marital roles.