Cruise ship safety also owes much to the Coast Guard, which oversees maritime security, including the security plans filed by cruise ships and terminals.
While humanitarian missions are generally not traditionally thought of as major sea service missions, military leaders say these tasks are crucial for promoting maritime security.
Development of the canal and ports is also expected to provide increased maritime security for Tamil Nadu.
The government stepped up its efforts to enhance maritime security through aerial surveillance.
The main task for these vessels will be for maritime security and fisheries enforcement off Canada's Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
The maritime community has a series of special measures to enhance maritime security.
This guide explains how maritime security is managed in the UK, how security measures are applied and how you should comply with them.
What is the use of 'Natura 2000' and our protection directives if we do nothing about maritime security?
Since the disaster in November 2002, the issues of European maritime security and safety have been given a much higher priority on the European agenda.
One such issue is maritime security.