The episode marked a slight drop in ratings compared to the previous two seasons.
He said this marked a drop of nearly 50 percent from the comparable period last year.
This marked a significant drop in the ratings from the previous episode, "Training Day".
This marked a 26% drop in the ratings from the previous episode, "Pilot".
This marked a slight drop in the ratings after one week off due to Thanksgiving.
This marked a quick drop in intensity of the storm to a minimal Category 3 hurricane.
This was discovered in July 1944 after its operator failed to properly mark a drop using the Mk.1 signals.
This marked a 13-percent drop in the ratings from the previous episode, "The List".
This marked a slight drop in the ratings from the previous episode, "Get the Girl".
Romania is in 52nd position in the index, marking a drop of 10 places compared with 2007.