The marks of his suffering had not faded from his face, he was thin, no longer robust.
The slender hand lifted slowly away, the green fires died, and the mark of the other world faded from Crystal's face.
The marks slowly fade and become flat on their own, but that can take years.
The marks do not fade if you press them.
The lash marks on her back had faded, leaving only a few vague stripes to show where they had been.
It was quite pronounced, with a week or more of healing to go before the mark would fade.
After the baby's birth, the marks will eventually fade into barely noticeable streaks.
As the ancient European hierarchies were overturned, the external marks of distinction faded.
The root had squeezed hard enough to leave a red ring on her thigh, but the mark faded quickly.
The marks with Richard faded, pulled back, replaced with the knowledge that we were a couple again.