The mark also fell against the Italian lira and the British pound.
The mark fell to an 18-month low against the lira.
The mark fell to 3.4168 French francs from 3.42 and to 967 lire from 972.
(The mark has quietly fallen by more than 10 percent against the dollar in the last 12 months.)
The West German mark, which had been consistently gaining strength, also fell against the dollar.
During the rally, which began on the first trading day of the year, the mark has fallen sharply against the dollar.
The mark fell against all major European currencies and the yen in thin trading.
One of the bullets found its mark and the Indian girl fell dead off the horse, shot in the back.
They were right - in Deutsche marks - but at the same time the mark fell against the dollar.
But that mark should fall to four of seven after Sunday.