They can only have been insignia marking the lady's status as a royal consort.
The forty or so girls, dressed in mufti to mark their status as sixth-formers, stood up on the arrival of the speaker and his escort.
The air tanks were full, and she marked their status on the flight-check board before hurrying to the turbolift.
Restrictions on how the baekjeong could compose themselves served to mark their lower status.
An English boy who is selected to play cricket for his school wears a special cap to mark his status.
The number of gems and pearls studding its scales mark its status among other dragons.
And to mark its new status, a visitor of sufficient rank.
Denmark have marked their status as one of the leading motorcycle speedway countries.
Their left thumbs had been cut off, to mark their status.
He stood up when we entered, and from the way he did this, I understood this was supposed to mark our status as important.