"At intersections where vehicles aren't required to stop," he added, "a marked crosswalk may send the wrong message."
There will be red granite paving at each corner and specially marked crosswalks, improved signs and new trees.
There are few marked crosswalks and sidewalks, and pedestrians often wend their way through traffic in urban areas.
The city uses three kinds of marked crosswalks, according to the Department of Transportation.
If driving, you must always stop for all pedestrians in marked crosswalks.
Drivers are often aggressive towards pedestrians and fail to yield the right of way even in marked crosswalks.
In some areas, marked crosswalks are the only places where it is legal to cross the road.
The police said the site had neither a marked crosswalk nor any traffic signals.
For safety, you should always look carefully in both directions before crossing streets, even when using a marked crosswalk with a green "walk" light illuminated.
But it is hard to understand how they can disregard pedestrians in clearly marked crosswalks.