Nevertheless, the marked divergence of the two datasets is likely to be a hot topic as the research moves forward and new data continues to roll in.
However, even when dogs range freely in wild or semi-wild circumstances, they show marked divergences from their wild ancestors.
The fact that their skins are a light reddish copper color and that they are oviparous constitute the two most marked divergences from Anglo-Saxon standards.
Once again, however, there is a marked divergence between the responses of French-speaking and English-speaking Canadians.
In the first part of the chapter there are passages of marked divergence from the story that followed.
There is a marked divergence by age as seen in the chart below.
Since then there has been a marked divergence between school and university; students have become less well equipped, and academics, particularly young ones, have become more high-powered, ambitious, and professionalised.
But it has also illuminated marked divergences both on attitudes to the Soviet Union and on European plans to create a European army.
But because inflation differentials were relatively small during the 1950s and 1960s, it often took some time for marked divergences in competitiveness to emerge.
The exchanges underscored the marked divergence between Europe and the United States over how to approach Iran.