At the Sorbonne their piety, it appears, had a very marked influence.
As a result of his Parisian studies, there is a marked French influence in the works he wrote prior to 1930.
Stoker's reasoning had a marked influence on the rest of his academic career.
As always, population growth has a marked influence on levels of consumption and the efficiency of resource use.
His personal courage and able leadership have had a marked influence in maintaining the efficiency of the squadron.
So, too, the menu, which is Japanese with a marked French influence.
All had a marked influence on the papacy's outlook and development.
There was an impressiveness in Wilberton's statement that had a marked influence upon the men present.
My parents were very capable and honest individuals who had a marked influence on my life.
Naturally, this state of affairs has also had a marked influence upon the current report, which concerns what we have discussed in previous years.